Carnival 2025 in Düsseldorf - the best parties & events
Early planning for carnival: the be-all and end-all for the best parties in Düsseldorf! 🪩
Why start thinking about carnival now? It's simple: the coveted carnival tickets sell out quickly! As a true Jeck or Jeckin, you know that preparation for the carnival season can never start too early. That's why we've already done the research for you and will show you where you can sway, dance and party. Whether you want to dress up for one day or party from Weiberfastnacht on 27.02. to Ash Wednesday on 05.03. - you'll find the perfect carnival party for you here!
So get your ticket before it's too late! 🤝
Events on Weiberfastnacht in Düsseldorf
Altweiber Party im Brauhaus Alter Bahnhof - Karnevalsparty in Düsseldorf Oberkassel
Fidget on Old Wives' Day at the Alter Bahnhof brewery! Throw on your costume and start the carnival week with a bang. 🥳
Schickimicki Helau!
Karnevalsparty der Freunde des Kunstpalastes
Costumes on, capes on and off to the dance floor! 🦸♀️✨ The Superhero Carnival at the NRW Forum is a party with DJ sets, shows and a costume competition. Who will come as an antihero? 😏
Die grenzenlose Altweiber-Party
Attention: Don't forget to warm up - at the Frankenheim brewery pub on Carnival Thursday, it's all about swaying, dancing and swinging your hips to the best DJ sound. 🕺
Karneval im Rosenrot
Altweiber Party im HammerBlick
A great atmosphere awaits you at Hammer Blick on Old Thursday! Start the carnival week in grand style right on the Rhine, let's go. 🥳
Alternative Altweiberparty
Are you already stuffed at the thought of the crowded old town and classic carnival riots? This one is for you: Mr. Q & High Noon Station juggle the records and throw the best of soul, funk, disco music and global beat around your ears. Celebrating carnival can also be relaxed - the tile shows you how 🫶.
Funky Flingern - Altweiberspezial
Funky Fresh Fastelovend. Bar Konvex serves up plenty of food and the crème de la crème of hip-hop, disco, 80s, 90s and reggae/dancehall. In costume or without - it's always danceable.
Events on Carnival Friday in Düsseldorf
SingAlong - Das große Mitsing-Event (Karnevalslieder)
Singing songs, swaying and celebrating together - Carnival Songs Edition! Carnival Friday is off to Klub Kulb with a well-oiled voice and a great atmosphere. 🎤
Karnevalsumzug im Südpark
The Südpark shines in colorful, carnival-like splendor and confetti! As every year, the carnival parade sets off to create a great atmosphere and neighborly togetherness.
Kostümsitzung des Comitees Düsseldorfer Carnevals 100
A colorful and exuberant costume party - the perfect start to the carnival season! With lots of music and fantastic costumes, all revellers have a great evening here🎊❤
Karneval meets Mallorca 2025
A unique combination of Malle and carnival - that's what you get at the party on Burgplatz. Live DJ's á la Ballermann x carnival included!
What's happening on Carnation Saturday?
Böse Buben Ball in den Rheinterrassen
The Böse Buben Ball in the impressive halls of Düsseldorf's Rheinterassen is a carnival highlight with over 3000 guests and an exuberant atmosphere! Live music from DJ Christian TRUDIO Erdmann and DJ Alexander SOULFLVR Ruhnau and great costumes are the order of the day.💃🔥
Tunte Lauf der KG Regenbogen
The spectacular drag queen competition for the title of Super-Tunte 2025 is entering the next round. This year, there's a trip to Tenerife to be won, and all for a charitable purpose for the Düsseldorf AIDS charity!
Kinder- und Jugendumzug
Grab your children, aunt, uncle and grandparents and off you go to collect sweets in Düsseldorf! 🍭🍬
Butterzart Day Drinking Club
Fancy dressing up but not in the mood for carnival music? Then head to the Butterzart Daydrinking Club with delicious wine, juicy burgers and good old house music 🎉😇💜🎶
Karnevalsparty im Stahlwerk
With DJs Buffalo & Wallace and DJ Tom Bola at the Stahlwerk, there are not only carnival hits and party classics, but also lots of cool giveaways to heat up the atmosphere - so get your tickets now, dress up and join the party!
This is where rave meets carnival - party and dance the night away. You've come to the right place. 🪩
Shameless - Helau Edition!
Veedelszoch - Itter
The Veedelszuch in the Itter district has been parading through the streets every year since 1933 and provides a family-friendly, exuberant carnival atmosphere for the neighborhood and everyone who wants to join in the celebrations!
Veedelszoch und Biwak- Lohauser Straßenkarneval
For the 14th time already, a loud and joyful Helau will be heard through the streets. At the Biwak & Lohauser Veedelszoch, everyone is cordially invited to enjoy the carnival tradition - together with the KG Närrische Lohauser e.V.
Events on Carnival Sunday in Düsseldorf?
Jeck:innen watch out - in the Henkel Saal, the former Schlösserquartier, it's time to party and dance at the Jeckeria just in time for Carnival Sunday! Dress up, the party is exclusively in costume. 🥳
Karnevalssonntag Kö-Treiben
Off to the Kö! It's time to present costumes! 🎭
Veedelszoch Eller
Eller is also in carnival mode - on Sunday the Jeck:innen parade through the streets at the Veedelszug of the Interessen-Gemeinschaft Veedels-Zoch Eller e.V. ✨
Veedelszoch Hassels und Reisholz
Hassels and Reisholz Helau! With a great atmosphere and camels it starts from Dasselstraße, through to Henkelstraße. 🍬
What's happening on Rose Monday in Düsseldorf?
Rosenmontagszug Düsseldorf
The legendary Rose Monday parade that no Düsseldorfer can afford to miss! We are excited to see what Jacques Tilly, among others, has come up with again! Will you be there? 🎉
Kamelle Club
Frequently asked questions about Karneval 2025 in Düsseldorf:
1. where else is What's happening at Carnival 2025 in Düsseldorf?
- Uerige: Die Kultbrauerei Uerige hat auch an Karneval geöffnet und ist ein Must für Bierchen trinken an Karneval. Hier triffst du Gott und die Welt!. Burgplatz: Hier treffen sich alle Feiernden zum Trinken, Singen und Tanzen mit premium Aussicht auf den Rhein. 🍻.
- Kurze Straße: Kurz, aber geil! Mit dem Kürzer, dem Schaukelstühlchen, der Bar Cherie, der Elephant Bar, der Siam Cocktailbar und noch vielen mehr, ist die Kurze Straße definitiv eine der besten Anlaufstellen für Karneval. 👯.
- Ratinger Straße: Klassisch Altbier und Karnevalsmucke? Dann ab auf die Ratinger, hier schenken das Füchschen, das Schlösser und das goldene Einhorn aus. Feiern kannst du im Ratinger Hof, dem Rosenrot, dem Retemetäng oder der Mauer..
- Hunsrückenstraße: Ab in die Boston Bar, die Fett Weinbar oder einen Irish Pub! 🎊
Note: The old town is always super crowded and when there are so many people in one place you often have no cell phone reception. But don't panic, the old town is really manageable. So if you lose your party crew, give them a call or arrange a meeting point!
2. what are the best costumes for Carnival 2025?
The current carnival season brings with it a variety of costume trends. Here are some of the most popular costumes for the coming session:
- Glitzer & Disko-Kugel Kostüme
- Stars & VIP's wie z.B. Taylor Swift, Ski Aggu, Bill Kaulitz & Harry Styles
- "Red Flag" Kostüme
3. what should visitors to the Düsseldorf carnival bear in mind?
You may be asking yourself: "What do I have to consider as a carnival newcomer in Düsseldorf?" The right preparation is everything! It's important to be prepared for the crowds. But don't worry, with a little planning you can do it. Think about your costume - it's almost compulsory to dress up in Düsseldorf. Be creative, let off steam - special costumes are always welcome. Find out about the events in advance, take a look at the parade route in your neighborhood and check out the hottest party locations. And most importantly: stay respectful and kind, enjoy the exuberant atmosphere and immerse yourself in the sea of color and cheerfulness. Whether you immerse yourself in the world of fools for just one day or party from Weiberfastnacht to Ash Wednesday - you're guaranteed to find your carnival moment in Düsseldorf! So pack your five senses and let yourself be enchanted by Carnival 2025 in Düsseldorf. Howdy!