That's colonial - Westphalia's (in)visible heritage at the Museum Zeche Zollern
Colonialism - past or omnipresent?
For many people, "colonialism" is a chapter of German history that has long been closed and only occasionally appears in school textbooks. The fact that the colonial past is by no means closed and is more relevant than ever in Westphalia is not only evident in certain political discussions, but also through concrete traces in everyday life. Colonialism is reflected in social structures and still shapes our daily lives today. Not only coffee, cocoa and tobacco are former colonial goods allgegenwärtig☕️🌿 - globalization, structural racism and deeply rooted stereotypes also have their origins in the era of European expansion. So it's high time to take a closer look at the topic: Until October 26, 2025, the LWL-Museum Zeche Zollern in Dortmund is hosting the special exhibition "This is colonial. Westphalia's (in)visible heritage" will be on display. It was developed in 2023 as part of an exhibition workshop in collaboration with numerous partners and impressively illuminates the many facets of the past and present of colonialism.
Between heritage and memory: colonialism from different perspectives
If you still feel like you've been catapulted back to school lessons: don't worry, the exhibition at the LWL-Museum Zeche Zollern is anything but dry and boring. It sheds light on the topic from various perspectives, including current ones, with different approaches - artistic, multimedia and using interviews and statements. This makes the topic more tangible.
And because colonial history is simply so complex, there are four different thematic focuses in the exhibition:
1. trade, economy & industry: What does EDEKA have to do with colonialism? Where does your coffee come from? How did coal from the Ruhr area fuel colonialism? Colonialism was and is an integral part of our everyday lives. Pretty scary, isn't it? 😳
2. research, mission & emigration: The exploration and scientific "research" of the world, but also missionary work, created the conditions for colonial expansion. Objects such as maps, donation boxes, collected natural materials and "souvenirs" from the colonies represent the ideas that Germans brought back home from the colonies. It still determines our ideas about people in the Global South today.
3. everyday life, propaganda & continuity: A stereotypical view of the world emerged through Westphalian colonial associations, collections and ethnic shows. Such images are still present today: the game you play with your family or popular comics and children's books reproduce stereotypes and use racist language.
4. resistance, remembrance & post-colonialism: Violent wars and conflicts were the result of people actively resisting colonial rule. Many associations and initiatives have been working for decades to make these struggles visible and to remember colonial crimes - for example by renaming streets or contextualizing colonial monuments.
Ausstellung "Das ist kolonial. Westfalens (un)sichtbares Erbe"
The exhibition will run until October 26, 2025. The LWL Museum opens its doors to you every day except Mondays from 10 am to 6 pm.
Understanding colonialism - but with sensitivity
Colonialism is a topic that shocks and upsets - and can be stressful for many people. This is why the exhibition attaches great importance to a sensitive approach to the exhibits, e.g. through content warnings. If you don't want to go through the exhibition on your own or simply have a lot of questions, you can take part in various formats. There are curator tours, children's and family tours and even a performance tour. 🎭
As you can see, the topic concerns us all. The exhibition is sometimes uncomfortable - but absolutely exciting and important in order to understand what has shaped our society and how we can perhaps change something. Grab your friends, family or set off on your own. Afterwards, you too might look at the world a little differently. 🤔
By the way: You can get even more insights and background information on our Instagram and TikTok account.