Like-minded peers are joining forces to host a night at a remarkable space, that allows visions to become reality. We are beyond excited to invite DJs from Münster, Köln, Vienna and Munich to showcase their selection alongside our beloved locals.
Line up:
22:00-0:30 Jones b2b Mr. Mexis
0:30-3:00 Andi Britz
03:00-end Bad Company
22:00-24:00 Milotide
24:00-03:00 DI^2 b2b Mariami
03:00- end Walter Grob b2b Confusion
3000 Rave and Rennbahn are standing for inclusivity and aiming to create a safer space for everyone. 3000 Rave and Rennbahn are not tolerating sexism. No racism. No transphobia. No homophobia. No discrimination and no violence. By purchasing a ticket, you are aware of this. A sensitively trained awareness team will be on-site. Please look out for yourself and your fellow attendees.
Shirt On Policy and No Cam Policy.
Please download the ticket to your smartphone or print it out.
Show the QR code at the entrance.
Have fun at the event!