In the organizer's words:

On the occasion of its final edition, the 2023 program spans an arc from black music to noise rock, A/V art and electronics to the latest varieties of what is commonly referred to as "creative music". For example, the latest, almost exclusively electronic live release "Antumbra" by the internationally sought-after Berlin avant-garde jazz musicians Christian Lillinger and Elias Stemeseder. The electro-acoustic formation "Ephemeral Fragments" by the non-binary electronic musician Korhan Erel from Berlin and the top improvisers Emily Wittbrodt and Florian Walter from Essen meet the Berlin A/V team Lena Czerniawska / Emilio Gordoa for the first time.

After the venerable noise legend Keiji Haino from Tokyo had to turn down many festival offers in recent years due to the pandemic, the plan is to invite him back to Berlin on this special occasion for a first special musical encounter with sound artists living in Germany, as he will be going on tour again for the first time in 2024. With this invitation, we hope to close the circle for the finale in a particularly beautiful way, as Keiji Haino already honored our festival at the first edition in 2012.

Other long-time companions of the festival are Norwegian drummer Paal Nilssen-Love and Berlin guitarist and bassist Caspar Brötzmann, who will share the Radialsystem stage with up-and-coming shooting stars such as Argentinian Berliner-by-choice and noise saxophonist Sofia Salvo, who presents a world premiere, or the Afro-American top drummer Savannah Harris from New York City, who forms the club-ready avant-garde jazz quartet "Økse" with the Haitian turntablist Val Jeanty, the exceptional Berlin bassist Petter Eldh and the Danish alto saxophonist Mette Rasmussen. The same applies to the Norwegian-German duo "Naaljos Ljom", who have gained international recognition in recent years with their danceable update of "Nordic folk" in a microtonal context and will be hosting the after-show party for the long Saturday night. "I Like To Sleep" from Trondheim, on the other hand, will present brute, semi-improvisational avant-garde rock for amplified vibraphone, baritone guitar and drums.

We have dedicated the last day of the festival entirely to Berlin organizer legend Monika Döring, who bid farewell to other spheres on 2 May this year and supported the festival for over a decade. To mark the occasion, Karina Mertin has curated a program with her Berlin friends and favourite acts.

A L'ARME! Open Air Deck on all festival days from 6 pm

Cashmere Radio Live Show: Pattern Dissections DJs

A L'ARME! Concert Films Public Viewing

Natural Italian Wine Bar

An event organized by Louis Rastig and Karina Mertin/ABOUTNOW. In collaboration with Radialsystem.

Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

With the generous support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy and

the Japanese Cultural Institute.

Day ticket 30 Euro (plus fees)

Festival ticket (valid on all three days) 75 Euro (plus fees)

50 x Early Bird Festival Pass: 60 € plus presale

Further information can be found at

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

1 day 30,00, Festival Pass 75,00

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Radialsystem Holzmarktstr. 33 10243 Berlin

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