A normal day in Antarctica: three penguins - two cheeky ones and a rather annoying but lovable third - are out in the cold. All around them is snow and ice and ice and snow. Boring! Because they can't think of anything better to do, the three get into a fight and start a furious brawl. But even this does nothing to change their basic feeling of boredom. When a butterfly accidentally flies past, this triggers a normal discussion among penguins about God, the world and whether it's your fault if you accidentally kill someone. The third penguin emerges from the debate as the loser and waddles away disappointed.
Suddenly, a pigeon bursts in on the two remaining penguins with a strange message: God has announced the Flood, and an ark is leaving at eight o'clock sharp. Two animals of each species are invited - just two! Now they have a problem: how do they explain this to the third? Luckily, one of the two penguins is pretty clever and decides without further ado that they will simply smuggle their friend onto the ark as hand luggage. A little rule-breaking shouldn't bother God, should it? No sooner said than done. But the atmosphere on board the ark quickly turns frosty, even though the penguins have already had enough ice: The sea is endless, the pigeon is annoying with its rules, and the presence of the third penguin has to be constantly hushed up. However, there is plenty of time to think about God and life. Do we really have to take God so seriously? Does he have a sense of humor? And if he really does see everything - what does he think about a certain penguin hiding in the suitcase? And does God actually like cheesecake? And if so, with or without raisins?