Corridor radio! Office and crazy people
Investigative, cheeky and with her finger on the pulse of the times: Ms Volk embarks on new office adventures between digitalization, mission statement change and the coffee kitchen. Back on board: Drachen-Doris, Günther, Bio-Susanne and trainee Jason-Patrick.
Everyone is on the edge of their seats - the coffee machine, the colleagues who live alone and get weird when working from home, and even more so the new owners from the USA. And while everyone is still getting comfortable with the small details, a new challenge is looming:
A trade fair, live, agile, in attendance and sober! But what do you do when the big bosses from the USA
suddenly announce their arrival, the Sprinter is towed away and organic Susanne uses the VIP parking lot for a climate demo.
How nice that the completely overpriced trade fair hotel has a sauna to relax in. How bad when you meet your colleagues there. You can look forward to a cabaret evening as beautiful as a wet hat on a sweaty skull.
After "Feier-Abend", "Mahlzeit" and the currently bookable "Weihnachts-(F)Eier" Andrea Volks 4.
Program from the series "Büro und Bekloppte". Andrea succeeds in the ingenious tightrope walk
between cabaret and comedy. No two evenings are the same.
The cabaret artist has been causing a sensation, storms of laughter and sore stomachs with her office programs since 2017.
and sore stomachs. Entire office communities make pilgrimages to Volks performances and find themselves in
Andreas' stories about Drachen-Doris, Günther and apprentice Jason-Patrick. Most frequently asked
question after the show: "Do you work for us?" After the show, the guests often talk about their
and woe between the photocopier, coffee kitchen and canteen - and find their way into the stories of office madness.
Winner of the audience award and 2nd place of the renowned 'Tuttlinger Krähe' 1st place
'Niedersächsischer Laubenpieper'. "A rousing cabaret program that breathes British sarcasm in the best sense of the word.
British sarcasm in the best sense." (from the Tuttlinger Krähe laudation.