PHOTO: © Plakat zur Ausstellung „Antifeminismus“. Gestaltung: © Avin Formate

Antimoderner Abwehrkampf. Zum Zusammenhang von Antisemitismus und Antifeminismus

In the organizer's words:

Anti-Semitism and anti-feminism provide seemingly simple solutions to complex problems. Both ideologies use the construction of clear enemy images to distract from their own internal conflicts, among other things. Ultimately, this justifies the use of violence, including the extermination of those who have been declared enemies. In her lecture, Melanie Hermann (Leibniz Universität zu Hannover) explores the questions of what makes anti-Semitism and anti-feminism so attractive, what the two ideologies have to do with each other and why they are always dangerous.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

4,50€, reduced 2,00€


NS-Dokumentationszentrum Köln - EL-DE-Haus Appellhofplatz 23-25 50667 Köln

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