Young people are breaking the law on the streets and invoking the climate ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court, according to which the living do not have the right to halve the freedom of future generations. The German government is not adhering to the Paris Agreement and at the same time is coming up against the limits of growth and the debt brake, because the costs of the climate crisis and climate change have to be borne at the same time. A contradiction has arisen between democracy and ecology, between the unavoidable pressure of time and the seemingly God-given slowness of democracy.
The ZEIT journalist Bernd Ulrich and the historian Hedwig Richter want to overcome this contradiction in their book "Democracy and Revolution" and show how a necessary revolution to preserve our livelihoods can go hand in hand with the necessary defense and development of democracy. To this end, they look back and at the same time outline a future that will also guarantee future generations the freedom of action that is essential for a democracy.
Bernd Ulrich is an editor at DIE ZEIT. He received the Henri Nannen Prize for his journalistic work in 2013 and the Theodor Wolff Prize in 2015. His decades of journalistic work have made him one of the best-known and most influential voices on the subject of climate/energy policy.
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