PHOTO: © Jan Brandes

Awards - Best of Poetry Slam Day

In the organizer's words:

Admission: 18:30 | Start: 19:00

Come, let's celebrate the festival that poetry slam deserves. We celebrate the spoken word in all its brightly colored facets - the battle of the arts invites you to a location that will make even the most experienced poetry slam stars goosebumps. In this one particularly special concert hall - the Elbphilharmonie.

And shortly after New Year's Eve, we'll be shooting all the lighting effects of this event format, which has grown up but is still so blazing. Look forward to sparkling performances, bubbling gag volcanoes, glittering eyes and a fat spark of madness. Either way, it's going to be a brilliant day, divided into three shows.

The centerpiece of the day is Hamburg's first slam award gala. The Kampf der Künste takes a bow to the greatest slammers there are and, for once, awards them not only with applause but also with a prize for their fantastic work. As performers, as organizers, as part of a scene. Of course, there will also be various rousing performances at this show.

The two other events of the Best of Poetry Slam Day:

Rising Stars - We start with the poetry slammers who leave nothing but ashes on the slam stages because their career furnace is just starting to really fire.

Legends - Finally, the legends. The first pages of their storybook careers read: Poetry Slam. They are now celebrated authors, award-winning comedians and the most charming faces in public life. But this one time, at the end of this one evening, they return to the slam stage.

A slam by Kampf der Künste
A production of 10 Punkte GmbH
Organizer: Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

#culture #poetryslam #standup #humor #hamburg



Noah Klaus

Kaleb Erdmann

Abdul Kader Chahin

Mona Harry

Yasmin Hafedh

Leah Weigand


Ken Yamamoto


This content has been machine translated.


Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4 20457 Hamburg

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