PHOTO: © (c) Rolando Paolo Guerzon


In the organizer's words:

Poetry meets baroque music

In the winter of 1705, the then 20-year-old Johann Sebastian Bach undertook a journey of more than 400 kilometers on foot from Arnstadt to Lübeck to meet the greatest organist in northern Germany: Dietrich Buxtehude. Based on this famous episode, which undoubtedly represented both a spiritual and artistic quest for the young man, the three poets Simone Savogin (Italy), Josephine von Blütenstaub (Leipzig) and Mehdi Krüger (France), together with the French musicians Franck-Emmanuel Comte (harpsichord), Aude Walker-Viry (cello) and Tiko (beatbox), developed a stage show that combines the music of Johann Sebastian Bach with poetic texts in German, Italian and French.

Inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach's artistic journey, the poets - each in their own mother tongue - explore an inner journey. Mehdi Krüger says of the project: "As in the river of life, we sail through storms of fear and clouds of doubt, carried by the waves of baroque music, in search of self-acceptance. Babel Bach is a meeting of languages on Franck-Emmanuel Comte's bridge to Bach."

Artistic direction & harpsichord: Franck-Emmanuel Comte
Cello: Aude Walker-Viry
Human beatbox: Tiko
Poetry: Mehdi Krüger, Josephine von Blütenstaub, Simone Savogin

An event organized by Notenspur Leipzig e.V. in cooperation with Schaubühne Lindenfels.
Supported by the European Union, the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the City of Leipzig and the Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten (GVL).

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Tickets at the Schaubühne, online and at all Reservix box offices: 15 / 9 (reduced) euros


Schaubühne Lindenfels Karl-Heine-Straße 50 04229 Leipzig

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