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Bauernmarkt Fangturm

In the organizer's words:

Beautifully situated on the Schlachte, with a view of the Weser, close to the city center, there's plenty of good stuff. Apples from the old country, seasonal fruit, the best vegetables and delicious fresh produce are offered by local traders.

So, after a stroll around the market, do you head straight to Obernstraße for some shopping or would you prefer to stroll along the Schlachte?

Incidentally, criminals have had to serve their sentences in the Fangturm, which gave the market and street its name, since 1305.
The tower was 15 meters high and had three-meter-thick stone walls.
So let's take a leisurely stroll through the farmers' market.

This content has been machine translated.


Fangturm Fangturm 28195 Bremen