"What took you so long?"
Sometimes it is the chance encounters that create connections of irresistible attraction: in places in between, in times of transition or as an imagined journey through time between the past and the future - where it has to be decided how the story should continue.
Places I've Called My Own
Sushma Khadepaun
FR / IN 2023, 28'
After several years in the USA, Tara returns to India for her father's funeral and reunites with her now-married ex-lover.
Neo Nahda
May Ziadé
GB / LB 2023, 12'
At her café job, Mona finds a book with archive photos from the Arab Image Foundation and imagines herself in the scene of 1920s Arab salons with cross-dressing women.
Saigon Kiss
Hồng Anh Nguyễn
VN / DE / AU 2024, 22'
In Saigon's hectic traffic, Mơ helps Vicky with her broken motorcycle and accompanies her to a dance video shoot.
Delivery Dancer's Sphere
Ayoung Kim
KR 2023, 25'
Ernst Mo is a motorcycle driver for a courier service, following algorithmically generated routes through a techno-futuristic Seoul.
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