Bernd Begemann, co-inventor of the Hamburg School, the Hanseatic city's most style-conscious music connoisseur, underrated guitarist and unrivaled stage entertainer, has returned. To claim what is rightfully his...
In the 80s, a bold, new approach to German-language pop music with his band "Die Antwort".
In the 90s, the legendary "Rezession, Baby!".
A genre-defining work, the first urban folk album with electronic elements (there's hardly been anything else since then hahaha).
Over 2000 shows, almost 30 albums, over 400 songs released. A source of inspiration for artists as diverse as Tocotronic, Olli Schulz, Jochen Distelmeyer, Sven Regner, Thees Uhlmann and many more.
But that's not the point. Because, okay okay okay, Bernd is an older guy with a high speedometer reading. But his new LP is firing on all cylinders like a debut. Recorded with his band "Die Befreiung", kept on track by top producer Swen Mayer, produced and mixed by the young genius Daniel Schmidt.
The electric singer-songwriter, godfather of local indie pop and angel of the wounded Bernd Begemann presents a new album. It's called "Milieu". It sounds like a spring storm. It grabs you like a well-meaning BDSM top. It brings many things to the point that would otherwise have remained in limbo.