Let's not beat about the bush: the third period begins at 60.
You should/must weigh up what still needs to be done, what can still be done. If your favorite team doesn't manage to get promoted, then you have to do it yourself. And the wife wants to climb the Zugspitze. Oops! But thank God: they have a gondola! But things turn out differently than he had hoped. And that has consequences, or rather prerequisites: Bernd Gieseking goes on a Haribo detox and buys an annual pass for the outdoor pool. He has to realize: A 50-meter lane is more than twice as long as a 25-meter lane! Suddenly, another hurdle appears: The seahorse test, which Gieseking has not yet taken because he is so old that "seahorses" didn't even exist back then!
An evening about getting older, but also about happiness, about parents getting older, about rising and falling, about fitness and fat cells, about scales and dares and jogging clothes that shouldn't look faster than you can run. Bernd Gieseking remembers his youth in clogs and philosophizes about the art of strolling.
Bernd Gieseking grew up just 12 kilometers from the lowest point in East Westphalia. If you come from there, you're not the mountain type. His wife is a long-legged doe, he is more of a Galloway cow. The "Höllental" valley awaits him as the starting point for the ascent, but in the end he actually stands - with his audience - on the Zugspitze!