PHOTO: © Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, Foto: Martha Feustel

Besichtigung Schlosskapelle Schloss Blutenburg

In the organizer's words:

The 15th century moated castle still characterizes the structure of the complex today, with a tower-fortified main castle around a manor house and a spacious outer bailey, which is dominated by the castle chapel built in 1488-97 under Duke Sigismund, which is almost completely preserved in its old form.

With the three winged altars by Jan Polack, the carved cycle of figures with Christ, Mary and the apostles by the Blutenburg Master and the stained glass windows with coats of arms and biblical scenes, the Blutenburg Palace Chapel is still a unique late Gothic work of art today.

The Bavarian Palace Administration only looks after the palace chapel at Blutenburg Palace.

Blutenburg Palace is now home to the International Youth Library. Therefore, only the castle ch apel can be visited.

The International Youth Library offers guided tours of Blutenburg Palace (including the palace chapel).

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Free admission to the palace chapel. The International Youth Library offers guided tours of Blutenburg Palace (including the palace chapel) for a fee.


Schloss Blutenburg Seldweg 15 81247 München

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