When the sun disappears behind the treetops, the grass rustles under your flip-flops and the ice cubes clink in the cup and it's really summer in Winterhude, then it's time for Best of Poetry Slam, Open Air in the Stadtpark. A fiercely wild poetry slam gala in the open air with the very best poetry slammers in the country. We'll have a heat wave of words blown around our heads until our cheeks glow. Our walls should be rows of trees, our ceiling should be the sky and our slam poetry should be the best slam poetry: Exclusively excellent super talents with lyrics that fire like Solero shots, framed by an extremely gallant host and a funky DJ who hits the play button like a young god. We're really looking forward to this battle of the arts highlight in midsummer. Are you too? Then get a round of anticipation in ticket form. You can get them right here. See you in the Stadtpark!
What am I allowed to bring/what not?A slam by Kampf der Künste
A production of 10 Punkte GmbH
Organizer: Stadtpark Open Air Hamburg
#culture #poetryslam #humor #standup #hamburg_________________________
Line-UpFlorian Wintels
Jan Philipp Zymny
Kirsten Fuchs
Teresa Reichl
ModerationDavid Friedrich
instagram.com/kampfderkuenste/_________________________ This content has been machine translated. Terms and Conditions for lotteries