The workshop "Recognizing and countering antiziganism" is intended to provide general information about the specific form of racism against Sinti and Roma, highlight its dimensions and manifestations and discuss possible options for action and countermeasures together. The aim is to raise participants' awareness of the problem and stimulate a discussion about possible solutions for society as a whole.
Key questions: What does antiziganism actually mean? Who are Sinti and Roma anyway? How can antiziganistic behaviour be recognized? Why is it (also) a problem of the majority society? How can the problem be tackled in society as a whole?
The offer is aimed at all interested parties regardless of age, gender, origin or religious affiliation. Depending on your needs and level of knowledge, the workshop can be repeated and expanded if necessary.
by e-mail at: or phone: 0172 3123537
You can also follow us on Instagram: @mia_in_sh
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