PHOTO: © Thomas Langreder

Black Community Dinner

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Registration at

To kick off Black Her*his*story Month at Musikkiosk Hannover, we cordially invite you to a Black Community Dinner. With good food and a musical special act, we would like to create a space for BiPoC* cultural workers and those interested in culture to discuss the fundamental question of the representation of black musicians in Hanover.
The focus is on questions such as:
- What do Black artists from Hanover need in order to gain more visibility?
- How can access to stages be created on which they are
are underrepresented?
- What barriers need to be broken down?
- What wishes do they have for the city?
Let's exchange perspectives together, strengthen networks and develop
develop strategies to empower Black cultural practitioners and initiate
initiate sustainable change.
We look forward to your voices and ideas!

The offer is aimed at Black and Indigenous people, but also at other racialized / negatively affected by racism.

*BIPoC is an abbreviation for Black People, Indigenous People and People of Color. In German, this means Black People, Indigenous People and People of Color. These are political self-designations of people who are racialized in white-dominated contexts, i.e. who experience racist discrimination.

This content has been machine translated.


Musik Kiosk Georgstraße 35 30159 Hannover

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