In its 18-year history, the British Shorts Film Festival has always placed a special focus on documentaries. The 2025 edition once again presents four very special screenings of exciting, entertaining and visionary short documentaries from the UK, Ireland - and many other corners of the world. International award-winning works that tell relevant stories and shake up the genre with influences from drama, animation and experimental film!
The film program at Klick Kino:
The Veiled City (Experimental), D.: Natalie Cubides-Brady, 12:54 min.
A cinematic symphony combines reality with fiction and examines the great smog in London in 1952 in the context of today's climate crisis.
I Am the Immaculate Conception (Documentary), dir.: Frank Eli Martin, 17:30 min.
In 1985, an alleged Marian miracle became a mass event in the Irish village of Ballinspittle. Almost forty years later, a handful of local devotees remain.
Friends on the Outside (Documentary, Experimental), D.: Annabel Moodie, 09:35 min.
Jamie is imprisoned and finds joy in collecting herbs and looking after birds.
Pembe Ay (Pink Moon) (Documentary, Experimental), D.: Meray Diner, 14:23 min.
During the Pink Moon season, a daughter returns from Scotland to her childhood home on the politically and physically divided island of Cyprus to work in the garden with her father.
Echo (Documentary), dir.: Ross McClean, 12:52 min.
After an operation 10 years ago, Allister suffered damage to his vocal cords and finds an unusual solution to his situation.
Made in Thamesmead (Documentary), D.: Mary Martins, 13:16 min.
Experimental documentary showing the former ethnic tensions and further development in Thamesmead in South East London.
The Hold (Documentary), dir.: JD Donnelly, 09:57 min.
A real-time journey into the mind and story of world champion freediver Alice Hickson.
British Shorts Film Festival, 23.-29.1.2025 at Sputnik Kino, City Kino Wedding, Acudkino, Kino Intimes, Klick Kino and Xenon Kino.
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