With "Cash Only", the gallery IT'S ART, BABY! is showing a selection of new works by Berlin artist Igor Paasch curated by Angela Nguyen-Hebig from March 15 to April 5, 2025. Images, texts, signs - Igor Paasch's works oscillate between what is said and what is not said, between irony and seriousness, between striking clarity and subtle ambiguity. Inspired by the aesthetics of advertising and the effects of social media, he places phrases in new contexts, assembles opposites and opens up spaces for his own interpretations.
His works play with the intersection of truth and falsehood, invite understanding and misunderstanding and challenge us to question familiar thought patterns. "Cash Only" brings together a selection of these works in the gallery IT'S ART, BABY! and poses the question of value and meaning - of money, of language, of images. A central work in the exhibition is "Schöner wird's nicht", a work on cookie porcelain by KPM that is embellished with a blockchain diamond from the Düsseldorf jewelry brand ÉLOUISE. The public vernissage will take place on March 14 at 6 pm.
CASH ONLY - Igor Paasch
curated by Angela Nguyen-Hebig
Vernissage: March 14, 2025 - 6 pm
Exhibition duration: March 15 - April 5, 2025
Nordstraße 25, Düsseldorf
Further information at igorpaasch .com & itsartbaby.de