PHOTO: © Etienne Boulanger via unsplash

Casita - Ein Tanztheaterstück

In the organizer's words:

Casita means LITTLE HOUSE in Spanish. This can be understood purely privately, but can also be viewed purely symbolically, e.g. from a socio-political perspective. Using the example of a couple who want to move in together and share a house in the future, situations and emotions are told through dance. Back on the program after the acclaimed premiere last season.

We associate the house - also in the overarching sense - with security and safety. However, one's own house also means being tied down, a lack of freedom: individuality becomes conformity, freedom becomes confinement, security becomes dependence. Do we want to open the door to others, welcome them in, share with them? Or do you prefer to entrench yourself and keep the door shut? Can opposites such as individualism and community, loneliness and togetherness, consideration and loss of beloved habits or even loss of comfort be overcome? Is there still time and space for the needs of others in today's society of optimization? Do we really want to take the risk of failure? How much are you prepared to give up or restrict yourself? But there is also the other side: growing together, positive and strengthening security, courage for a new beginning, tolerance and the opportunities that community and diversity bring is the message of this dance theater piece. Despite all the perplexity and ambiguity of feelings, this production, in which humor and wit also play a role, has a thoroughly positive, solution-oriented message.

Sponsored by: Oldenburgische Landschaft, the OLB Foundation, the EWE Foundation

This content has been machine translated.


theater hof/19 Bahnhofstraße 19 26122 Oldenburg

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