"We are in a strange world. Only awkward movements are possible." (Bayo Akomolafe)
Having already wowed audiences at PACT with 'Jezebel' and 'Darkmatter', the dancer and choreographer from Brussels is now presenting the final part of her trilogy. In 'FRANK', short for Frankenstein, Cherish Menzo explores the monstrous - not only in the figure of the monster, but also in beliefs and narratives that scare and terrify us and at the same time cast a spell over us.
Once again, distortion is a leitmotif in this new choreography: together with Omagbitse Omagbemi, Mulunesh and Malick Cissé, artists of different generations, Cherish Menzo creates a performance between ritual and apocalypse. Their movements are disjointed and broken, while the scenery around them collapses.
Concept & direction Cherish Menzo Performance Malick Cissé, Mulunesh, OmagbitseOmagbemi Sound Design Maria Muehombo a.k.a M I M I VideoAndreaCasetti Sound and video technology Arthur De Vuyst Set design Morgana Machado Marques Lighting Ryoya Fudetani Dramaturgy Johanne Affricot,Renée Copraij Make-up JohannaCool Text Khadija El Kharraz Alami,Cherish Menzo Technology Ryoya Fudetani, Hadrien Jeangette, Arthur De Vuyst Graphic design Nick Mattan
Production GRIP & Theater Utrecht (Dorothy Blokland, Dagmar Bokma, Anne Breure, Owen Cicilia, Kelly de Haan, Hanne Doms, Seline Gosling, Anneleen Hermans, Tom Hemmer, Myrthe Ligtenberg, Rudi Meulemans, Lize Meynaerts, KlaartjeOerlemans, Jennifer Piasecki, Florien Smits,Sylvie Svanberg, Ad van Mierlo, Nele Verreyken,Vincent Wijlhuizen) In collaboration with Dance On Ensemble Vertrieb International Apropic -Line Rousseau, Marion Gauvent
Co-production Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Carreau du Temple-Etablissement culturel et sportif de la Ville de Paris, Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Julidans Amsterdam, PACT Zollverein supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Festival Montpellier Danse2025, leCentre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans -Direction Maud Le Pladec, Tanzquartier Wien, DDD -Festival Dias da Dança, festival d'Automneà Paris, One Dance Festival, Perpodium
With the support of Centre nationalede la danseà Pantin, BRONKS, GC Pianofabriek, l'Atelier de Paris / Centre de développement chorégraphique national With the financial support of the Flemish Government, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal GovernmentviaCronos Invest, BNG Bank Theaterprijs, Charlotte Köhler Prijs van het Cultuurfonds, Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union and the Goethe-Institut
This work has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.