In his new program, Christoph Sonntag once again turns to a matter close to his heart: He wants you to laugh tears. And come home with new positive impulses for you and the world.
Times are hard. Really?
We can't laugh the problems away, but laughter helps us to put them back into perspective. And to solve them at some point. Let's kick off. Always into the backsides of those who lead us around by the nose, who bully us and would actually be a laughing stock. If they weren't so serious.
Christoph Sonntag is known to audiences as a cult comedian on SWR3 with "AZ-NZ, Alte Zeiten - Neue Zeiten!", as a fellow campaigner for the good cause on "Meister des Alltag "s and as an actor on "Verstehen sie Spaß?", where he repeatedly takes his fellow human beings for a ride. And, of course, as "Brother Christophorus" in his cult show "Das jüngste Gerü(i)cht", where he pokes fun at the politicians present with a Lenten sermon.
But his core competence is the live show, where he blossoms into incredible greatness when he talks to the audience and when he puts on his wild, technically elaborate cabaret show. A great stage design that is second to none, groovy musical interludes, sharp-tongued word acrobatics and always mother wit with a mischievous streak in his neck impressively show that SWR is and was right when it called Sonntag the "King of Swabian cabaret".
A wild, colorful Sunday program like never before. Lively, fast, contemporary, laugh-out-loud funny, topical, musical, brilliant, in short: a unique series of cabaret kicks that should not be missed.
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Advance booking: 32,50 €