Neapolitan songs by Francesco Paolo Tosti, Raffaele Calace, Antonello Paliotti, Mario Pasquale Costa, Francesco Buongiovanni, Luigi Denza and others.
When tenor Pene Pati made his breakthrough after winning several competitions such as "Operalia" and "Neue Stimmen", he was the first singer from Samoa to appear on the major international stages. He was quickly compared to Pavarotti! And why not? Like Big P., his voice has a warm flow, golden threads of sound and a radiant high note. And like Pavarotti, he loves the popular Neapolitan canzoni with their stories about the city and its people. They are in the best of company! Great tenors before them, such as Enrico Caruso, Franco Corelli and Giuseppe di Stefano, relied on these catchy tunes with their captivating melodies to make the most of their voices. Whether it's "Funiculì, Funiculà" or other classics such as "'A vucchella": when Pene Pati, accompanied by the Il Pomo d'Oro ensemble, which is well-positioned in all repertoires, sings these songs with the special melodiousness of his voice, more than just a hint of "Bella Napoli" is sure to float through the Great Hall of the Glocke!
Il Pomo d'Oro
Pene Pati Tenor
Price information:
€ 75 / 65 / 55 / 40 / 20 (discount 20 %)