PHOTO: © GirlsDogether

Abgesagt | Come Dogether: Walk & Connect

In the organizer's words:

Come Dogether: Walk & Connect 🚶🏼‍♀️🗣️

Fancy a little break from everyday life and making new friends? Then come to our Walk & Connect! 🌿✨
We go for a walk together, enjoy the fresh air and have plenty of time to chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Whether you tend to be quiet and observant or like to chat straight away, everyone is welcome here!

Why Walk & Connect?

🫶🏽 Easy & informal: Walking usually makes it easier to get into conversation.

🫶🏽 Fresh air & exercise: Good for the body and great for meeting new people.

🫶🏽 Together instead of alone: Get to know girls who are just as keen to switch off a bit and exchange ideas, plans and everyday topics.

Just join us and let's make new friends together! We look forward to meeting you.

This content has been machine translated.


Bergmann Brauerei Elias-Bahn-Weg 2 44263 Dortmund

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