Come Dogether: Walk & Connect 🚶🏼♀️🗣️
Fancy a little break from everyday life and making new friends? Then come to our Walk & Connect! 🌿✨
We go for a walk together, enjoy the fresh air and have plenty of time to chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Whether you tend to be quiet and observant or like to chat straight away, everyone is welcome here!
Why Walk & Connect?
🫶🏽 Easy & informal: Walking usually makes it easier to get into conversation.
🫶🏽 Fresh air & exercise: Good for the body and great for meeting new people.
🫶🏽 Together instead of alone: Get to know girls who are just as keen to switch off a bit and exchange ideas, plans and everyday topics.
Just join us and let's make new friends together! We look forward to meeting you.
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