"Comedy with Style" Elena Barski, a comedienne from Aachen, invites you. Together with her experienced colleagues and newcomers to the comedy scene, she will make you laugh at her comedy open mic show.
This time Dona, Denno Makadassopoulos and Farhad Shahed from Cologne, Oleg Weiss from Krefeld and the regular comedians Christoph Ohlenforst and Tom Wingerath from Aachen will be there.
The show will take place in the beautiful location of the restaurant "LA FABRIK". You are welcome to enjoy delicious food and drinks before and during the show.
Admission 19:00
Show starts at 19:30
Be there!
Please note that the event will be recorded, photographed and shared on various social media. By purchasing a ticket, you agree that video recordings and photos may be distributed on the internet.
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