Superheroes with a difference
What makes a hero?
On Thursday, April 10, starting at 7 p.m., Bionicman will be performing in a playful and interactive presentation on the topics of non-violence, bullying prevention and inclusion. Supposed deficits and weaknesses can be superpowers, it's about more than muscle power - empathy, sensitivity and helpfulness are equally superpowers.
Afterwards, questions can be asked, books signed, the bionic superhand shaken and photos taken.
The event is free of charge. Please register in advance at: Ticketshop-NRW-Forum
About Bionicman
Bionicman is the alterego of Michel Fornasier, author of the Bionicman comic series. He himself was born without a right hand and founded the Give CHILDREN a Hand Foundation.
ogether with Bionica, the influencer Gina Rühl, who lost her forearm in a motorcycle accident, they campaign in real life as well as in numerous comics for non-violent coexistence, without exclusion and bullying, and educate people about physical disabilities. They tour schools, hospitals and sports camps, playfully encouraging more humanity and acceptance.
Price information:
Free admission. Please register in advance at: