PHOTO: © Jed Niezgoda (Fotograf), Kiera O'Toole, Weaved Drawing (approx.2022) Uilinn, West Corks Art Centre

Condition, Matter, Effect: ATMOSPHERES II

In the organizer's words:

In CONDITIONS, MATTERS, AFFECTS: ATMOSPHERES II, the artists explore the effects and conditions of atmospheres, how they affect and permeate consciousness, through drawing and installation.

Felicity Clear, Kiera O'Toole and Mary-Ruth Walsh address the conditions, matters and effects of atmospheres, variously using the drawn or schematic line to trace the force and movement of materials in the formation of atmospheric environments, landscapes and spaces. The artists in Atmospheres II take us on a journey through matter, movement, weather, atmosphere and surface.
(Excerpt from an essay by Sean O'Reilly entitled ATMOSPHERS: I, Director Leitrim
Sculpture Centre
, Ireland. Quote: Tim Ingold, Correspondences, 2011)

They present works that simultaneously address the philosophical and the ecological, interweaving body, mind, landscapes, topologies and design in a movement of lines that moves towards the future.

Each of the artists shows in her own way that atmosphere is not juxtaposed with the perceivers, but rather intermingles with their consciousness, permeating it and thereby creating a new perceptual capacity of its own...

The exhibition is a curatorial collaboration with Drawing deCentered, Ireland and part of Zeitgeist Ireland 24, which celebrates the richness and diversity of contemporary Irish culture in 2024.

This content has been machine translated.


Das Esszimmer - Raum für Kunst+ Mechenstraße 25 53129 Bonn

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