PHOTO: © Tom Schulze

Crash Boom Bang [10 plus]

In the organizer's words:

Who hasn't experienced these days full of everyday disasters?
Alarm clock not heard / bad hair day / only 20% battery / detour because of the guys from sixth form / forgot homework / only 10% battery left / body goes crazy / laughed too loud and everyone stares / 5% battery! / parents blab embarrassments to strangers / can't find charger / and tomorrow the whole thing all over again. Does this all sound very familiar? Perfect. WE'RE LOOKING FOR YOU!

The newly founded research institute B.A.U.M. (Büro für Alltagschaos und Unerwartete Missgeschicke) has made a groundbreaking discovery: young people between the ages of 10 and 14 have a particularly high "CBB value"! CBB stands for Chaos Better Behavior. This CCB value shows the ability to deal with the most chaotic challenges of everyday life. And this is where young people are far more talented than adults. The poor crisis management of adults clearly shows that they have often lost this ability long ago.

The researchers at B.A.U.M. have a great vision: using your superpower, they want to develop the world's first energy drink that will get the CBB household into top gear: L.A.S.S.I. (Long-term Adaptation for Sovereign Stress Immunity). With this drink, it should be possible to never be overwhelmed again.
Sounds brilliant, doesn't it? A world without chaos, without problems!

Together with the directing collective Prinzip GONZO, we are turning the TDJW building (almost completely) into a game theater for three weeks (March 28 to April 17) and consistently creating theater as a place of real encounters and social experience. Various scenarios, inspired by the TDJW theater crew's research trips to partner schools, have been recreated with great attention to detail and are waiting to be explored, experienced and discussed together and not to feel quite so alone in the maelstrom of embarrassment.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Normal: 12.00 EUR Reduced: 6.00 EUR Groups: 5.00 EUR FAMILY CARD SMALL 1 adult + 1 child: 17.00 EUR 1 adult + 2 children: 22.00 EUR 1 adult + 3 children: 27.00 EUR FAMILY CARD LARGE 2 adults + 1 child: 27.00 EUR 2 adults + 2 children: 32.00 EUR 2 adults + 3 children: 37.00 EUR


Theater der Jungen Welt Lindenauer Markt 21 04177 Leipzig