Free admission / However, we would appreciate a donation for the breakfast buffet.
Together with Rotor Books, we are celebrating the publication of the fourth issue of Delfi. Magazine for New Literature.
Every literary text builds its own world, i.e. has its own rules. Those who tell stories play worlds. And not infrequently these worlds become traps. You fall into them out of naivety, curiosity, perhaps out of an instinct to escape. A tempting promise: Easy texts for difficult times? But anyone who reduces the game to the harmless and frivolous fails to recognize the potential of its double bottom. Especially where seriousness is difficult to distinguish from play. Can we ever really trust authors? Isn't writing always a scam? Let's play this out in this fourth edition of Delfi.
Over breakfast, Enrico Ippolito and Hengameh Yaghoobifarah present the new magazine on the topic of "play".
Delfi. Magazin für neue Literatur is published twice a year as a themed magazine and brings together the most relevant international and German-language positions in prose, drama, poetry, essays and comics.
Edited by Fatma Aydemir, Enrico Ippolito, Miryam Schellbach and Hengameh Yaghoobifarah
Enrico Ippolito is a writer, journalist and co-editor of Delfi. Magazine for New Literature. His debut novel Was rot war was published in 2021 and was nominated for the Rauriser Literaturpreis. He has published several short stories in recent years.
Hengameh Yaghoobifarah lives and works in Berlin. Together with Fatma Aydemir, Hengameh Yaghoobifarah published the highly acclaimed essay collection Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum in 2019. In 2021, Blumenbar published her debut novel Ministerium der Träume (Ministry of Dreams ), which became a SPIEGEL bestseller. This was followed in 2023 by the collection of columns Habibitus, which was shortlisted for the Kurt Tucholsky Prize. Schwindel is Hengameh Yaghoobifarah's second novel. Since 2023, Yaghoobifarah has been co-editor of Delfi. Magazine for new literature.
A cooperation between Rotorbooks and GfZK
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Free admission / but we would appreciate a donation for the breakfast buffet. Registration: