In the organizer's words:

We - Carmen Sanchez / extra virgin olive oil tasting expert & Dennys Hill / collodion wet plate photographer would like you to join us for the following event:

I, Carmen, will keep your noses & palates nicely occupied,

so that you will be able to distinguish between different quality levels of olive oil. Believe me: it can be done! :)

All your questions will be welcome.

... and I, Dennys Hill, will take you back to the 1850s and tell & show you how a photo on glass was created back then. What is unique about this process and why such powerful images are possible.

We will round off the afternoon with a "salmorejo", delicious bread and a glass of wine at the table.

Date: July 06, 2024 - 16:00 (duration approx. 3 hours)

Location: "Geliebte Möbel" - Emil-Hoffmann-Str. 43, Cologne

Price: 55€ per person - Places are limited. We kindly ask you to register.

Registrations and further information under:

Carmen Sanchez: 0173 274 1020

Dennys Hill: 01575 8080978

This content has been machine translated.


Geliebte Möbel Warehouse Emil-Hoffmann-Straße 43 50996 Köln

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