Japanese film series 2025:
Venue: Hall E, Projector
The Sirota family and the 20th century
Japan 2008, 93 minutes, original language. Director/Writer: Tomoko Fujiwara
The film documents the fate of the Jewish Sirota family of musicians from the Ukraine. After studying in Vienna, Leo Sirota makes a name for himself as a pianist. In 1929, the family emigrated to Japan. With his musical and educational activities, he had a decisive influence on cultural life in Japan. During the Second World War, he and his wife were interned in Nagano and his daughter Beate fled to the United States. She would later campaign for women's rights in Japan.
The Gift of Beate
Japan 2004, documentary film, 92 min. Director/Writer: Tomoko Fujiwara
Beate Sirota Gordon was one of those entrusted with drafting the new Japanese constitution after the Second World War. The daughter of pianist Leo Sirota was aware of the low social status of Japanese women before the war and formulated the legal texts on equal rights for men and women for the new constitution.
Based on "Article 24" and "Article 14" of the Japanese constitution, the "gift of Beate" to Japanese women, the film documents a chapter of women's history, their straightforward path and the energetic actions with which Japanese women are still fighting today for the realization of "the gift".
German-Japanese Society in Bavaria e.V.
Price information:
Tickets at München Ticket