Die Natur übernimmt das Kommando - Kinderferienprogramm Kokerei Hansa

In the organizer's words:

After the cokers at the Hansa coking plant stopped working, small and larger creatures came and took over the emerging industrial nature. Since things have quietened down on the industrial site, the historic technology, listed buildings, bridges, pipes and tracks have grown, blossomed and flourished magnificently. Not everyone has an eye for these little things. This year, however, the Foundation for the Preservation of Industrial Monuments and Historical Culture is once again sending children between the ages of 6 and 12 on a journey of discovery into its lush world of plants and insects. Anyone who wants to find out what is scurrying, buzzing and humming, rustling and chirping on the monument site can go on an expedition with experts on Fridays as part of a nature tour.

Over the years, numerous different plants - including exotic ones - have settled on the coking plant site, which in turn attract special insects. The air, ground and water are full of life. The children immerse themselves in this world, which is all about finding food, choosing a partner and raising children. Every Friday, the experts will focus on a particular topic of natural history and will be on hand to answer the young researchers' questions.

It starts on Friday, July 12, when everything revolves around "Herbs, coke and creepy-crawlies". The boys and girls will have lots of fun learning about herbs, their habitat and their medicinal powers. And they learn why one or two exotic plants have made their home on the coking plant floor of all places.

Children's holiday program at the Hansa 2024 coking plant

Nature tours for children aged between 6 and 12

12.07. "Herbs, coke and creepy-crawlies" (NOTE: free of charge as part of "Local Hero")
19.07. "Insect safari"
26.07. "Plant secrets"
02.08. "Hansa in and above the water"
09.08. "Naturalists on the industrial wasteland"
16.08. "Plants & animals from all over the world at Hansa"

Duration: approx. 2 hours
In each case from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Price: 5 euros per person incl. admission
Please register by calling 0231/931122-33.
Address: Hansa coking plant, Emscherallee 11, 44369 Dortmund
Further information at www.industriedenkmal-stiftung.de

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

5 Euro p.p. ticket on site at the info point


Kokerei Hansa Emscherallee 11 44369 Dortmund

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