..... And they watch the ups and downs of the avalanches ....
At some point, one's own life appears as a series of countless repetitions. The available options repeat themselves and the lively cycle of hoping, striving, gaining and losing begins to tire. This weariness, mixed with astonishment, is where it all begins. Sisyphus as an eternal seeker of meaning is the leitmotif for the improvisations on stage, which ultimately lead to a dimension of the absurd, a theatrical performance, a piece of existential poetry with live music and bizarre humor.
The location is an open-plan office called "Expeditionsbüro". A think tank of a wider dimension. Here people manage, construct, spin, ponder, make music, dance and sing. This is where cases are worked on and forgotten, rediscovered. We experience a self-contained organism in the universe. A window forms the connection to the outside.
Life needs play. Play with everything, with words, bodies, images, sounds. And suddenly Sisyphus gets his "hill".
The spectator is part of the three-dimensional action. There are several exits and entrances, but strangely enough, the players only use the path to the "BAR RICO" and return from there again and again, in completely different states, sometimes with strange realizations. They are equipped in their peculiarities for the challenges of the world
Director, book, set, performance: Wolfgang Krause Zwieback
Composition, live music, vocals: Dirk Hessel
Performance, dance: Eva Thielken
Performance, dance, singing: Marie Nandico
Performance, acting: Oliver Niemeier
Video artist: Bernd E. Gengelbach
Team, advertising: Hael Yxxs
Technical direction: Benjamin Henkel
A production by Wolfgang Krause Zwieback and the Schaubühne Lindenfels.
Supported by the City of Leipzig, Department of Culture, Sponsor: CM 25.
Price information:
Tickets at the Schaubühne, online here and at all Reservix box offices: 18 / 12 (reduced) euros For wheelchair users, please contact us in advance: service@schaubuehne.com | 0341-4846210