The words Tomorrow I will not be ... are taken from the farewell letter of the Jewish poet Ilija Britan (1885-1942) to his son Alexander. Britan lived as a refugee in Berlin until 1936 and was shot in the Drancy concentration camp near Paris in 1942. The play of the same name focuses on the fates of seven Russian-Jewish refugees who worked in Germany in the 1920s and 30s and went into exile due to the increasing anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime. Displacement is based on letters and archival materials that the author, social scientist and theater maker Elena Solominski found in Moscow and New York between 1996 and 2018.
The performance takes place in memory of Dr. Elena Solominski. She died on June 3, 2024 as a result of an explosion in the apartment building in Düsseldorf where she lived. She was 61 years old. Until her death, she organized a vacation project for children and young people from Ukraine with the FFT, the Jacob Teitel Academy and Kibbuz e.V.
In cooperation with:
ASG-Bildungsforum, Evangelische Stadtakademie Düsseldorf, Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit Düsseldorf e.V., Jacob Teitel Akademie, Kibbuz Zentrum für Kunst, Kultur und Bildung e.V.