Outdoor area
Opening hours: 07-17 h
Free admission
Sometimes you ask yourself: what to do with the old things? Trouser clips, garden claws, children's scooters and other things have been lying around for a long time and are no longer needed. Most of the time there is something that others are desperately looking for right now. But as experienced customers and traders know, a flea market like this is not only interesting for commercial and practical reasons. The Linden district flea market is a popular, cozy meeting place at Faust! It is a place for socializing and neighbourhood care as well as for family exchanges in the district. Here you can swap junk, bric-a-brac, kitsch and bargains, get information or simply have a chat.
No commercial traders!
We look forward to your participation!
Information for traders:
- Stand size: maximum 3 meters possible.
- Tables must be brought along.
- Set-up from 7 am, dismantling until 5 pm.
Further information on the site regulations and dates on our website