Feministisch Arbeiten und Handeln

In the organizer's words:

Weekend workshop

Feminist work culture strives to promote equality. It emphasizes collaboration, diversity, equal opportunity and care, and strives to help people reach their full potential. Feminist work culture encourages people to be aware of their own power and privilege and to act in ways that do not abuse it. It also recognizes the power and privilege of others and works to remove it. Feminist work creates a safe, appreciative environment where needs are met. It is an important way to promote an equitable, inclusive world and positive change.

During the weekend workshop we will explore new models of work and seek adaptive solutions. We will reflect together on work, its value, power relations and income. The aim is to encourage self-employed people, activists, employees, local actors, as well as feminist, queer and anti-racist groups to seek and live new ways of solidarity.

The workshop is organized by Jule Haberer, Laura Kiefer, Anna Bakinovskaia and Malina Becker and will be held together with guest speakers (see program).
The workshop consists of inputs, practice-oriented work and group discussions.
Approx. 15 participants, all genders welcome.


July 5 | 18:00 - 20:30

1st Intro: Input on feminism and work, followed by biographical work on the topics.

July 6 | 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

2. working models: What forms of working models are there? How did they come about?

Speaker: Mareike Müller, project manager and organizational developer at Wigwam.

3. finances and remuneration models: What does money mean to me? Where do my attitudes to money come from? Can there be solidarity-based income systems?

Speaker: Charlotte Hitzfelder, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie & Netzwerk Care Revolution

July 7 | 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

4. self-care: How much do I want to work? How can I take care of myself and others? Who does care work?

Speaker: Lu Kenntner, psychologist (M.Sc.) and expressive arts therapist (Tamalpa Life/Art Process, i.A.)

5. communication: What is the importance of communication in the work context? What forms of communication are there? How do I communicate in an appreciative way?

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Contribution towards expenses: 50-100 € recommended (incl. snacks and drinks). If these costs make it difficult for you to participate in the workshop, please contact the organizing team and we will find a solution: femfaktur@gmail.com.


Feministisches Frauen*gesundheitszentrum Stuttgart e.V. Kernerstraße 31 70182 Stuttgart

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg Köln

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