PHOTO: © 2G Baraniak

Festival Kunst & Klima: I Want to Be a Swamp von Yolanda Morales (Hamburg)

In the organizer's words:

Memorable colors, smells, sounds, image details and microforms become physical, fluid testimonies of the moor. Through shamanistic rituals, electronic sounds, choral voices and songs, the dancers allow the audience to participate in their mourning for this dying landscape. At the same time, they invoke the enduring, composting powers of the moor and, in their dance, recall the healing powers of transformation of a nature that has not been cultivated, defined and colonized by humans. In her latest work, the Hamburg-based Mexican choreographer Yolanda Morales once again explores the indigenous roots of her origins and the echoes they create in her native northern Germany. A homeland that is characterized by a Eurocentric view, also of her dance art, in which she as a choreographer consistently adopts a de-colonializing stance.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Advance booking: € 20 / reduced € 9 Box Office: € 21 / reduced € 9 3x dance subscription: € 28 / three optional performances

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


fabrik Potsdam Schiffbauergasse 10 14467 Potsdam


fabrik Potsdam Potsdam

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