On Saturday, May 17, 2025 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. you can buy and sell everything "around the child" at our kindergarten Römerstraße e.V. (Römerstr. 23, 69115 Heidelberg).
We offer a buffet with homemade cakes, fresh waffles, coffee and drinks. The proceeds will be used exclusively for our kindergarten.
If you would like to book a stand, please send an application to flohmarkt.roemerstr@gmx.de.
There is a limited number of stands inside and plenty of space outside. If possible, you should bring your own tables. The stand fee is €8 plus a contribution to the buffet (e.g. cake, pretzels, muffins, quiche, etc.). Each additional table or clothes stand costs 2 €. Set-up from 1 pm.
We look forward to seeing you!