The tough guys come from the East: spent their youth between Antifa and neo-Nazis, without prospects, frustrated, ready to use violence. And then this guy from there is also called Friedrich Herrmann. You would expect a show like a tank. But if you listen to Friedrich, you soon realize that there's not much shouting, instead there's charming humour and funny, personal stories. It's in your face, but gently. And only if that's what you want.
It's tenderly smashed here.
Torn apart with a smile.
Killed softly.
"Killin' it softly" is the first stand-up comedy program by Friedrich Herrmann from Jena. The stand-up newcomer was the 2019 German-speaking poetry slam champion. As a comedian, he has appeared on Comedy Studio Berlin, Nightwash and 1Live Generation Gag, among others.