For the first time, Museum Brandhorst is focusing on a group of artists who had a decisive influence on post-war art in music, dance, painting, sculpture and drawing. John Cage (1912-1992), Merce Cunningham (1919-2009), Jasper Johns (*1930), Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) and Cy Twombly (1928-2011) created a special connection between artistic genres and media through their intimate exchange. Museum Brandhorst is thus shedding new light on Cy Twombly's work, which is a central focus of the collection, and situating his practice for the first time in the artistic environment of his beginnings.
The exhibition is complemented by the "Five Friends Festival" with dance performances and concerts in Cy Twombly's Rose Hall, which focuses on the works of Merce Cunningham and John Cage.
This content has been machine translated.Price information:
Regular: € 9.00 Reduced: € 7.00 Sundays Regular: € 3.00 Sundays Reduced: € 1.00 Admission is free for children and young people up to the age of 18.