PHOTO: © Robert Sakowski

Gefühlte Fakten ■ Stadium Rock Tour 2025

In the organizer's words:

The rock stars of rock are back on stage!

With their unmistakable sound (hands banging on tables, TheEeeEEsSSöÖÖÖÖ Oiiiiinnnnnsss, Läxxxx), Christian Huber and Tarkan Bagci have been delighting entire generations of podcast fans for half a decade (that's actually true!). Whether on the way to work, on the way home from work or during work ... there's never a Thursday without a new episode of Feel Facts on your ears.

Christian and Tarkan may not have learned comedy directly, but that doesn't stop them from writing numerous Spiegel bestsellers and being awarded several Grimme prizes and the German Comedy Prize for their work for television. In their podcast, they talk about anything that can be made into a joke: absurd everyday situations, current world events or the end of humanity - always without in-depth background knowledge, but with a clear opinion and plenty of punchlines.

But some stories simply belong on stage (especially for legal reasons).
Finally it's gags, drugs and rock'n'roll again - on the Stadium Rock Tour 2025, only without drugs. And without rock'n'roll. But with new stories, popular columns and stuff that happened to them on the way to the gig.

Felt Facts Podcast - Get your Ticket now!

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Lokschuppen - Bielefeld Stadtheider Straße 11 33609 Bielefeld

Organizer | Booking Agency

190a GmbH
190a GmbH Aachener Straße 233-237 50931 Köln