PHOTO: © Indira Gupta

Abgesagt | Gelassen und Achtsam durch den Alltag

In the organizer's words:

🌊 Mindful surfing: Calmly through the working day

Small impulses - big impact. Find focus, resilience and inner balance.

Life comes in waves - sometimes gentle, sometimes challenging. While we can't control the waves, it's up to us how we surf them. In this free workshop series, you will learn how to bring more serenity into your everyday working life with small, effective tools.

📌 What can you expect?
✅ Practical impulses for mindfulness, focus & resilience
✅ Small exercises that you can implement directly in your everyday life
✅ Time for self-reflection - with lightness & depth

📆 When & where?
📍 Location: LifeSurfer at the Areal Böhler (building 30)
📅 Dates: 7 workshops of 30 minutes each

Main topics of the series:

05.03. Watching the waves: Mindfulness in everyday working life.

12.03. In the flow of gratitude: Small moments, big impact.

19.03. Surfing with clear intention: Focus in turbulent times.

26.03. Your individual surfing style: routines that really suit you.

02.04. Surfing monster waves: Resilience in stormy times.

09.04. Dancing with the waves: Emotional intelligence in everyday life.

16.04. Beach break: Self-compassion as a source of strength.

🕗 Wednesdays 8:15-8:45 am
🕛 Alternating Wednesdays 12:00-12:30 p.m.

🎟 F ree of charge! The workshops are independent of each other - you can take part in any or all of them.

💙 Join us & learn to surf the waves of life with mindfulness!

LifeSurfer in building 30 (4th floor) at the Areal Böhler

Your hostess:

Dipl. Heilpäd. Indira Gupta, M.A. - Expert for mental health, resilience & mindfulness in everyday working life.
With in-depth experience in coaching, psychology and leadership, I help people to navigate through everyday working life in a more stress-resistant, focused and relaxed manner. Based on scientific findings and practical methods, I provide everyday tools for more mental balance and resilience.

This content has been machine translated.


Areal Böhler Hansaallee 321 40549 Düsseldorf


Me Düsseldorf