During the brutal suppression of the Warsaw Uprising against German occupation in the summer of 1944, a large number of wartime and other crimes were committed, particularly against the civilian population of the Polish capital. One of the main perpetrators was the SS General Heinz Reinefahrt (1903-1979). Reinefahrt, born in Gnesen/Gniezno (then Prussian province of Poznan) in 1903, was later a member of parliament for the "Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entchteten" (BHE) in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament and mayor of Westerland on Sylt from 1951 to 1964. Reinefahrt was never brought to trial for his role before 1945. PhD historian Stefan Klemp, who works not least for the "Steinwache" memorial site in Dortmund, which commemorates the Nazi regime and its crimes, has done extensive research into German perpetrators during the occupation of Poland in the Second World War. He presents exemplary biographies.
Picture: Heinz Reinefarth's overpainted gravestone on Keitum, Sylt