"Heimaten" is an interdisciplinary music, video and performance project that invites people to explore the topic of "homelands". In their extensive research project, Maria Tomoiaga, a young video artist and professional actress from Maramures (RO) and Matti Weber, a Bremen "boy" and all-round musician, deal with people from several continents who have several homes due to their biographies. In a meticulous, highly sensitive examination of the interviewees' biographies, a richness is reflected that surprises, arouses curiosity, amazes and at the same time opens doors to sympathy and welcomes globalized destinies. The richness, intricacy and sometimes astonishing simplicity of living processes is celebrated in a performative celebration together with the invited guests. With texts and under the direction of Armin Petras, a well-known veteran of the Bremen and German theater scene, this "different" show will be performed on six dates at the Zentrum für Kunst. The audience is invited on a shared "ride" through the present, the past, love, leaving and arriving.
Supported by the Senator for Culture.
The team:
Director/text/video collaboration: Armin Petras
Actress/video conception: Maria Tomoaiga
Music/composition: Matti Weber
Stage/ Costumes/ Lighting: Kerstin Narr & Norman Plathe-Narr
Project management: Christoph Heinrich
Price information:
22,- Euro regular 9,- Euro reduced price Reduced price applies to students, pupils, trainees, volunteers, people up to 18 years of age, people with severe disabilities (presentation of ID), unemployed people in wheelchairs pay the reduced price. Accompanying persons have free admission. Holders of the Kultursemesterticket have free admission.