home theater. THE WOLF OF WALL STREET - OmU
New York in the early 1990s. Aspiring stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) founds the brokerage firm "Stratton Oakmont" in his early 20s, with which he quickly rises to become a multimillionaire and the shooting star of the New York Stock Exchange. He is soon known mainly by his new nickname "Wolf of Wall Street". He uses his wealth to finance a dissolute lifestyle characterized by alcohol, drugs, sex and decadence. Jordan's triumphal march seems unstoppable, but this makes him overconfident. Driven by insatiable greed and with a feeling of invincibility behind him, he and his "wolf gang", including his buddy Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill), get involved in illegal business. This soon attracts the attention of the law, with FBI agent Patrick Denham (Kyle Chandler) in particular looking closely behind the façade of Belfort's corporate network. As the law enforcers slowly close in on Jordan, his entire house of cards threatens to collapse.
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