Heinz Gröning - "Dr. Laugh's Best Medicine" Comedy
Dr. Laugh - BEST MEDICINE is an extremely funny show and an effective intensive laughter therapy at the same time.
Germany's comedy chief physician number Heinz provides humorous and scientifically substantiated information on the latest findings from laughter research. Humor and laughter make us healthy and happy. More serenity gives us a fulfilled life. HUMOR is the BEST MEDICINE and really good stuff that's guaranteed to fire up and reliably go off really well. Distilled from 30 years of practical experience from over 10,000 hours on the comedy stage, Heinz Gröning laughs with his audience until the walls are shaking.
Performance is work times time. A minimum of 3 gags per minute is the BEST comedy MEDICINE.
Price information:
B.O. 23,- €/ 17,- € (reduced) / VVK 19,- € / 15,- € (reduced) (+fees)
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