PHOTO: © Frank Burkhardt

Hendrik Streeck | Nachbeben – Die Pandemie, ihre Folgen und was wir daraus lernen können

In the organizer's words:

The coronavirus pandemic is over, but the virus remains. Three years of a state of emergency lie behind us, characterized by uncertainty, sensible and controversial measures, warnings, warnings and exaggerations. Hendrik Streeck doesn't want to simply repress this period, but rather come to terms with it, learn from it and use the insights gained - not least to better prepare ourselves for future pandemics and crises of all kinds.
According to the virologist, an open, honest but also consistent reappraisal and naming of mistakes and failures is essential for drawing the right conclusions. This is not about accusations, but about credibility. This is the only way we can bring together supposedly irreconcilable positions on the path of an open, open-minded and even conciliatory discourse.

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck is the Director of the Institute of Virology at Bonn University Hospital. He began his medical career at the Charité in Berlin before completing his doctorate at the Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn. In 2015, Streeck accepted a call to Essen, where he founded the Institute for HIV Research. He was a member of the Corona Expert Council of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the German government.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Normal € 11.90 / Reduced € 9.90 / Members € 6.90 // Surcharge at the Box Office


DAI. Das Haus der Kultur Sofienstraße 12 69115 Heidelberg

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