PHOTO: © Unsplash: Clem Onojeghuo

Hof- und Garagenflohmarkt

In the organizer's words:

It all began in 2017 with the first courtyard flea market in Fürth's city center, the idea of a group of local residents. At the time, it was organized by Quartiersmanagement Innenstadt together with these residents. After a break due to the coronavirus, the first district networks joined in. Since then, there have been more and more markets. In 2023, there were 10 events - for the first time also organized purely on a voluntary basis by interested citizens, partly with the support of church congregations and civic associations.

How does it work?

Private households offer their own used household goods, clothes, children's toys and much more for sale. Balloons at the entrances show the way. So you can browse, trade and chat again!

Here you will find an overview of the program and the districts involved on the respective dates:

Come along and secure your bargains!

This content has been machine translated.


verschiedene Orte in Fürth Fürth