If you grew up in the nineties, you'll remember the light-heartedness. The summers are warm. The ice cream is cheap. Men are men and women are women. And young girls are supposed to be happy when older pop singers lift them up on stage. How sweet is that?
During this time, our protagonist dreams of her first kiss as a young girl. Later, she finances her doctoral thesis by having sex for money. Of course, any seemingly causal connections are pure coincidence. But what initially appears to be a lucrative sideline soon pushes her to her limits. Suddenly, unpleasant patterns are repeated and casual humiliations escalate into the grotesque. Not even Shinrin Yoku can help. ... Shinrin what?
María Velasco wallows with relish in the mud hole of gender injustice. At the end of this cheerful reckoning, we find ourselves back in radical tree therapy.
German-language premiere | A play by María Velasco | German by Franziska Muche | With Irina Maier, Bernadette Evangeline Schlottbohm, Johanna Witthalm | Production & sound Pascal Wieandt | Stage & costume Kathrin Hauer | Choreography Catherine Guerin | Lighting design Stefan Grießhaber
After the performances on February 21, there will be an in-house discussion.
This play deals with sexualized violence.
Age recommendation: from 16 years
Stroboscopic effects, dark lighting and loud music are used.
Price information:
5 | 10 | 15 | 25 The ticket for some: 25€
The ticket for some: 15€
The ticket for many: 10€
The ticket for all: 5€
Advance booking fees also apply for online advance sales.
Our solidarity pricing system is based on the fact that those who (can) pay more enable those who can pay less to visit the theater. Together with our colleagues from EinTanzHaus and zeitraumexit, we want to make it possible for even more people to visit the theater.